For the more certain preservation and security of the principles of our faith, and to the end that this body may be governed in an orderly manner consistent with the accepted tenets of the Southern Baptist Convention, and for the purpose of preserving the liberties inherent in each individual member of this church and the freedom of action of this body with respect to its relation to other churches of the same faith, we do declare and establish this constitution.
The name of this body shall be known as the First Baptist Church, Bevier, Missouri, a corporate body of the State of Missouri.
The purpose for which this church is organized is as follows:
Section 1. The worship of Almighty God in accordance with the teaching of His Word.
Section 2. To sustain the ordinances and doctrines of the New Testament.
Section 3. To seek the spiritual and moral uplift of its members and of the community at large by the teaching of the Word of God.
Section 4. To lend its influence to establish Christian ethics in all human relationships.
Section 1. Polity.
The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose it.
It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains
the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation which are common among Baptist
Section 2. Doctrine.
This church receives the Scriptures as its authority in matters of faith and
practice. Its understanding of Christian truth as contained therein is in essential accord
with the belief of the Baptist churches as indicated in the Article of Faith.
The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the “Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963. We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the church are baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and most joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.
For the Advancement of This Church
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines.
As Christian Stewards
To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
Alone and At Home
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to see the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances.
Before the World
To walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment, to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.
Toward One Another
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and, mindful of the rules of our Savior, to secure it without delay.
When We Move
We furthermore engage that when we remove from the place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
Section 1. General.
This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist Church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the right of exclusive self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church. The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this Church and the conditions of such membership.
Section 2. Candidates for Membership.
Any person professing faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord may become a candidate for membership, and by adopting the Covenant, views and practices of this church, may, by vote of the church, be admitted into full membership. Candidates for membership shall present themselves before the church and shall be received in accordance with the following conditions and regulations: [As Amended: 6-5-1985]
- All candidates for membership will meet with the Membership Committee in order to clarify questions for both the candidate and the church. The Membership Committee will bring a recommendation to the church at any regular business meeting following consultation with the candidate.
- New converts and those from other denominations who have not been properly immersed shall be admitted by baptism.
- Persons from other denominations who have been converted and then immersed, or who were formerly members of a Baptist church shall be received by statement of relationship.
- Persons from churches of like faith and order shall be admitted upon the promise of presentation of letters from those churches, or by statement from the churches of like faith.
- Applications for membership may be received at any worship service of the church.
- Children under twelve years of age may be received into membership only after an interview with their parents or guardians.
Section 3. Termination of Membership.
Membership in this church may be terminated in the following manner;
- By death.
- By granting a letter of transfer or dismissal. Regular letters of transfer shall be granted only to other churches of like faith and order. Statements of dismissal shall be given to persons removing to churches of other denominations.
- If any member requests to be released from his covenant obligations to this church for reasons which the church may deem satisfactory, after the church has endeavored to secure his continuance in its fellowship, such requests may be granted, and his membership terminated.
- By exclusion. A member shall be excluded only for the most grievous offenses and no action may be taken until every effort has been made in Christian love to secure the repentance and restoration of the offender. It shall require an affirmative vote, by ballot, of 90% of the members present, and voting at a business meeting, to exclude a member and erase his name from the church roll.
Section 1. Business Meeting
- The Annual Business Meeting of the church shall be held on Wednesday following the first Sunday in August. At this meeting, reports shall be presented of the year’s work, and the Annual Letter to the Association presented and approved.
- The regular monthly business meetings shall be held on Wednesday night following the first Sunday of each month, unless previous arrangements have been made and announced.
- Special business meetings may be called by the Pastor or Chairman of Deacons to handle any pertinent matters specified in the announcement, provided one week’s previous public announcement has been made.
- The Pastor shall preside at all meetings of the church for worship or business. In his absence, the Chairman of Deacons shall be moderator. In the absence of both, the Church Clerk shall call the meeting to order and a moderator Pro Tem shall be elected.
- The parliamentary procedure of all business meeting shall be regulated by the latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” in all cases to which they are applicable.
Five percent of the resident members of the church shall constitute a Quorum, except for the call or dismissal of a Pastor, which shall require twenty percent.
Section 2. Regular Services
- Public services shall be held on the Lord’s Day, both morning and evening.
- One evening of each week shall be designated for Bible Study and Prayer.
- The Lord’s Supper shall be observed during the first month of each quarter, or at such time as the church may determine. At least once each year preceding this observance, the Church Covenant shall be read publicly.
Changes in this constitution and by-laws may be made at any regular business meeting of the church, provided such amendments shall have been presented in writing at a previous meeting, and copies of the proposed amendment be furnished to each member present. Amendments to the constitution shall be by two-thirds vote of all members of the church present entitled to vote; amendments to the by-laws shall have a concurrence of a majority of the members present and voting.
Section 1. Corporate Officers
- Board of Directors
- Selection:
- There shall be a Board of Directors, one-third of whom shall be elected at each annual meeting, to serve for three years and until their successors shall be elected. It is recommended to have six (6) Directors.
- Duties:
- They will hold in trust the property of the church. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any property without a specific vote of the church authorizing such action.
- All sales, leases, or mortgages on real estate shall be approved at a regular or special business meeting of the church by a two-thirds majority vote of those voting, and the same shall be signed by the Board of Directors.
- They shall be responsible for maintaining an adequate insurance program covering all buildings, church owned contents and public responsibilities.
- They shall have charge of all legal records and business papers of the church.
Section 2. Staff Officers
It is expected that all staff officers will manifest a spirit of cooperation one with another in discharging their individual duties and responsibilities. They shall be unbiased and unprejudiced in supporting church programs. All staff officers shall be expected to follow denominational programs, unless the church specifies otherwise.
- Selection:
- After a Pastor resigns, a pulpit committee of five (5) members shall be nominated by the Deacons and presented to the church. Other nominations to this committee may be presented from the floor. The pulpit committee shall be limited to five (5) members elected by ballot. This committee shall be responsible for supplying the pulpit with acceptable men. The committee shall seek for God’s choice in their Pastor, and after proper investigation of a particular Pastor’s Biblical beliefs, ministry and work, they will recommend him to the church, considering only one man at a time. A meeting of the church for the purpose of calling a Pastor must have at least one week’s public notice prior to the vote. A favorable vote by ballot of ninety (90%) of the members present and voting shall be necessary to carry such election. The chairman of the pulpit committee shall contact the candidate within 24 hours after the vote and notify him of the intention and vote of the church. When so elected, the Pastor shall hold office at the pleasure of the church, or until his resignation.
- Duties:
- It shall be the duty of the Pastor to conduct the public worship and preach at the appointed time and regular place of worship, to act as moderator, to serve as Chairman of the Church Council, to administer the ordinances, always to be ready to assist with his counsel, in both temporal and spiritual welfare of the church, to have special watch care over all of its affairs, to have a kindly interest in the work of the Kingdom, and to perform the various duties pertaining to his office as set forth in the Work of God. He shall serve as Ex Officio member of all committees and boards of the church. His office and place of leadership should always be respected and honored.
- He shall be the church staff supervisor. It shall be his responsibility to lead the church and direct in the coordination of its programs. Should any questions arise relative to the routine responsibilities or privileges of the regular employees of the church they shall refer to the Pastor for decision.
- Mutual Obligations Between Church and Pastor
- The church shall provide a worthy salary for the Pastor and thereby relieve him from financial burdens that would limit or hinder his ministry. The Pastor’s salary and our financial benefits shall be specified in the yearly church budget.
- The Pastor shall be entitled to two weeks paid vacation year during which the church shall assume the expense of a supply minister. If the church or Pastor desires to have a guest minister to speak at other times, each case shall be considered separately by the church as to whether the church or Pastor shall by for his services. The Pastor shall do the contacting for securing any guest speaker who will fill his pulpit.
- The Pastor shall be free to participate in special projects at Christian work other than local church duties if such is reasonable and does not cause an undue handicap on his effective ministry within the church. He will be allowed two full weeks for revival services in which he shall provide his own pulpit supply. However, each project of major importance shall be approved first by the Deacons and then by the church.
- In case of emergency in which the Pastor is unable to fulfill his duties, the Deacons shall be responsible for seeing the pulpit is filled and for fulfilling the Pastor’s other duties as much as possible. In an extended emergency the Deacons may recommend to the church the services of some particular Associate Pastor to assist them temporarily until the Pastor is able to reassume his duties.
- The Pastor shall be permitted to attend the Missouri Baptist Convention. The church shall be responsible for expenses for meals and lodging and a mileage rate for car expenses to and from the Convention. The Pastor’s attendance at the Southern Baptist Convention shall be considered on a yearly basis.
- Termination
- In the event consideration should be given to the termination of the Pastor’s services the Deacons shall consider and review all available information and present its recommendation, if any, to the church. The Pastor shall give at least thirty (30) days’ notice of resignation prior to the termination of his services. Thirty (30) days’ notice of the church’s desire as evidences by a two-thirds vote by ballot of those members present and voting to terminate this relationship shall be given by the church. At the option of the church, the pastoral relationship may be officially terminated at any time prior to the end of thirty (30) days, provided a sufficient severance page is given to compensate for such action. Any church-owned residence occupied by the Pastor shall be vacated within thirty (30) days after notice of termination.
Staff Officers and All Other Paid Personnel
- Determining Need
- In the event the program of the church should indicate the need for additional staff or other personnel, it shall be the responsibility of the Deacons to make a study of the situation.
- Selection
- In the event of a need for additional personnel, or the filling of a vacancy in either, the Deacons, in cooperation with the Pastor, shall make recommendations to the church. Employment shall be by action of the church upon recommendation of the Deacons. A two-thirds vote of those members present and voting shall be required to carry such an election.
- Termination
- In case a staff member or other paid worker wishes to resign, he shall submit a written resignation to the Pastor or the Deacons at least two weeks before termination of services. In the event of alleged inefficiency, incompetence, insubordination, or any other reason constituting a cause for dismissal, the employee, together with the Pastor, shall appear before the Deacons. If, after making a study of the problem, the Deacons deem it advisable, they shall report their finding along with a recommendation to the church.
- Duties
- The duties of the staff officers and other paid personnel shall be defined by a job description prepared by the Pastor and the Deacons and approved by the church.
Section 3 General Officers
- Qualifications
To qualify on the basis of I Timothy 3:8-13.
To subscribe to the church covenant.
To cooperate with the Pastor, the fellow Deacons and the entire church in supporting the whole church program.
To attend all services of the church unless providentially hindered.
To be a member of the First Baptist Church for at least one (1) year prior to serving as an active Deacon or being considered for ordination.
- Organization
- The active Deacons shall consist of fourteen (14) men elected by the church. [As Amended: 4-7-1984]
- The offices of the Deacons shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary. These men shall be elected annually by the Deacons and presented by the Nominating Committee at the August business meeting.
- Chairman of Deacons: It shall be the duty of the Chairman of Deacons to preside over the Deacon’s meetings, to act as a moderator in the absence of the Pastor, to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Church Council. He shall work with the Pastor in promoting efficient operation of the church program and lead the Deacons in relieving the Pastor of menial responsibilities so the Pastor may have more time for prayer and the ministry of the Word. He shall serve as an Ex Officio member of all church committees.
- Tenure of Service
- Tenure shall be for life unless terminated for just cause.
- Deacons who have served well in the church and because of advanced age or disability are unable to continue in an active role may, upon recommendation by the Deacons, be elected Deacon Emeritus.
- Deacons Emeritus may participate in serving the Lord’s Supper and participate in any regular meeting of the Deacons.
- Election
- The Deacons shall nominate qualified men for ordination and the men shall be presented to the church by the Nominating Committee.
- It shall be the duty of the Deacons to interview ordained Deacons who come into the fellowship of the First Baptist Church, inform them of the program of our Deacons, and determine whether they should be recommended for election.
- When the church elects a man to the office of Deacon, a copy of the constitution, together with scriptural teachings on the office of the Deacon, will be sent to him for his final decision. His ordination does not proceed until he has agreed to abide by the above regulations and requirements.
- The Deacon’s wife shall be expected, unless providentially hindered, to actively participate in the programs of the church.
- Duties
- In accordance with the meaning of the Word and the practice of the New Testament, Deacons are to be the servants of the church.
- They are to be zealous to guard the unity of the spirit within the church in the bonds of peace.
- They shall serve as a council of advice and conference with the Pastor in all matters pertaining to the welfare and work of the church. With the Pastor they are to consider and formulate plans for constant effort and progress of the church in all things pertaining to the saving of souls, the development of Christians, and the extension and growth of the Kingdom of God.
- By proper organization and method among themselves, they are the establish and maintain personal fraternal relations with, and inspiring oversight of, all members of the church. Especially are they to seek to know the physical needs and the moral and spiritual struggles of the brethren and sisters, and to serve the whole church in relieving, encouraging, and developing all who are in need.
- In council with the Pastor, and by such methods as the Holy Spirit may direct in accordance with New Testament teachings, they are to have oversight of the discipline of the church, in the administration of which they are to be guided always by the principles set forth in Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 5:9-13, and I Thessalonians 5:12-14. The Deacons shall be free to call upon any member of the church to aid in disciplinary action.
- The Deacons shall serve as a general pulpit committee in case of absence or inability of the Pastor, subject to advice from and in conference with him.
- The Deacons shall have the authority to permit or withhold the use of the church property for purposes other than the regular services.
- Each July, and at such other times as the Deacons shall designate, the financial books and records of the church shall be submitted to the Deacons for examination.
- Methods of Procedure
- The body of Deacons shall be organized as a unit for consideration of all larger problems and general policies and shall meet monthly. They may organize themselves into committees as their wisdom may direct for efficiency in service.
- They shall apportion the membership of the church among themselves or make plans whereby the entire membership may have the benefit of the oversight of their brethren in Christ.
- Each Deacon shall freely confer with the Pastor about all matters and cases of discipline which, in his judgement, would be most wisely and spiritually handled in private.
- Disqualification
- Failure to comply with the above regulations automatically disqualifies a Deacon from active participation in the Deacon’s program. The unexcused absence from four regular consecutive meetings automatically constitutes a vacancy. Absence due to employment, vacation, or illness and death in the family will be the only acceptable excuses. It is the responsibility of the Deacon to inform the Chairman or Secretary of Deacons of his absence. For these reasons a Deacon may be removed from active participation and placed on an inactive status as a Deacon.
- Selection
The Treasurer shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee at the August business meeting and elected to serve from October 1 to September 30.
- Duties
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the keeping of a record of all deposits and disbursements of church funds and to disburse the funds of the church in accordance with the following regulations:
- All payments are to be made by check only and upon proper authorization of the church. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer in the name of the church.
- All purchases of a miscellaneous nature up to $100.00 may be authorized by the Treasurer, Pastor, or Chairman of Deacons. All miscellaneous expenses over $100.00 must be approved by the church. [As Amended: 6-5-1985]
- Bills for regular operating expenses of the church, such as salaries, utilities, debt retirement, insurance, and funds allotted to missions and denominational causes as provided in the church budget shall not require the above authorization before payment is made.
- The Treasurer shall see that monthly and annual financial reports of the conditions of the treasury are prepared and presented to the church. Copies of the annual and monthly financial reports shall be made available to those in attendance at church business meetings, and a copy filed with the Church Clerk. [As Amended: 6-5-1985]
- The Treasurer’s books shall be made available to the Deacons for examination in July of each year as stated in Article I, Section 3, subhead a, subhead 5, paragraph h, in these by-laws.
- In the event of the absence or disability of the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary shall perform the duties of the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer shall automatically be a member of the Finance Committee and shall serve on the Church Council.
Financial Secretary
- Selection
The Financial Secretary shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee at the August business meeting and elected to serve from January 1 to December 31.
- Duties
- Shall receive the empty collections envelopes after the money has been removed and counted by the proper persons selected by the church, and from these shall give donors individual credit; shall keep the envelopes for reference for a period of two years.
- Shall also be responsible for preparing and mailing quarterly or semiannually records of contributions to all contributing members.
Church Clerk
- Selection
The Church Clerk shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee at the August business meeting and elected to serve from October 1 to September 30.
- Duties
- It shall be the duty of the Church Clerk to keep a record of all proceedings of the church, to present in writing at the annual meeting the statistics of the previous year with such other statements as may seem advisable, which shall be recorded in the church books, and prepare the annual association letter.
- He shall familiarize himself with the church constitution and by-laws and call to the moderator’s attention any church action under consideration which is contrary to the constitution and by-laws, or any previous church action, and perform such duties as usually belonging to the office of Church Clerk.
- He shall keep a register of the names of members, with dates of admission, dismissal, or death, together with a record of baptisms.
- He shall see all officer’s, members of committees, and delegates are notified of their election or appointment and remind the moderator of any action that should be taken at any meeting.
Other General Officers
- Election
- At the August business meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the church, nominations for the offices of: Board of Directors (2 each year), Chairman of Deacons, Sunday School Superintendent, Training Union Director, Women’s Missionary Union President, Brotherhood President, Vacation Bible School President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Church Clerk.
- At the September business meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the church nominations for all unfilled offices.
- Recommendations to fill newly created offices and vacancies which occur during the year shall be made by the Nominating Committee.
- Other nominations may be presented from the floor. In the event more than one nominee is presented for any given office, election shall be by ballot.
- All officers, teachers, and committees shall take office October first, following their election.
- Duties
- The Sunday School Superintendent, Training Union Director, Brotherhood President, and Women’s Missionary Union President shall follow the plan of work and organization promoted for these organizations by the respective departments of the Southern Baptist Convention. Their policies and administration are subject to the approval of the church. The heads of these departments shall make monthly reports to the church in its monthly business meetings, along with such recommendations as may be deemed necessary.
Section 1. Organization and Meetings
- The Church Council shall be composed of the Pastor, Treasurer, Director of Music, Chairman of Deacons, Chairman of Finance Committee, Sunday School Superintendent, Training Union Director, Women’s Missionary Union President, and Brotherhood President.
- The Pastor shall serve as Chairman and the Chairman of Deacons shall be the Vice-Chairman. The council shall elect a secretary who shall maintain a record of minutes.
- The council shall meet as often as necessary to carry out its work.
Section 2. The Church Council Shall:
- Serve to unify and correlate the church program.
- Serve as the church evangelism committee.
- Interpret this constitution and its by-laws, in case the need thereof arises.
All church committee members shall be selected by the Nominating Committee and elected by the church unless otherwise indicated in the description below. The committee members shall serve on a three-year rotation system with one-third to be elected each year. The following committees shall be elected.
Section 1. Benevolence Committee
- The Benevolence Committee shall be composed of a chairman and two members.
- This committee shall consider cases of extreme physical need within the church membership and other cases in the community where the circumstances seem to be worthy. These needs shall be met with funds or other items available for this purpose.
Section 2. Finance Committee
- The Finance Committee shall be composed of a chairman and three other members, one of whom shall be the church Treasurer.
- The Finance Committee shall:
- Present an annual budget to the church for approval at the June business meeting. The church shall operate on a fiscal year from July 1 – June 30.
- DELETED [As Amended: 6-5-1985]
- Review the individual budget accounts prior to the January business meeting and present any proposed adjustments to the church. Emergency conditions requiring prompt adjustments in budget accounts may be submitted at the discretion of the Finance Committee for church approval.
- Work with the Pastor and other leaders of the church in promoting scriptural stewardship on the part of the entire membership of the church.
- Recommend to the church for approval all special offerings. Special offerings are restricted to four (4) per year plus revival offerings. [As Amended: Date Unknown]
Section 3. Library Committee
- The library and audio-visual aids committee shall be composed of a chairman and three other members, one of whom shall be the church librarian. One shall be chosen to represent and promote the interests and needs of the adults, one the youth, and another for children.
- The library committee shall:
- Determine the church library and audio-visual needs.
- The purchase of books, films, and other library and audio-visual supplies shall not exceed the allowance in the church budget.
- Recommendations for the purchase of library and audio-visual aids equipment shall be recommended to the Property Committee and shall be purchased from the maintenance and equipment budget.
- Promote the consistent development and growth, and widest possible use of the library and audio-visual aids facilities.
- Prepare and submit annually to the committee planning the budget recommendation for the necessary funds to support this ministry.
Section 4. Membership Committee
- The Membership Committee shall be composed of a chairman and two other members.
- The Membership Committee shall:
- The Membership Committee shall meet with all prospective candidates for church membership in order to clarify questions for both the candidate and the church. The committee will bring a recommendation to the church at any regular business meeting following consultation with the candidate.
- Visit in the home of all new members as soon as possible after they have joined the church. They shall explain the church program of teaching, training, evangelism, and stewardship, and endeavor to acquaint new members with phases of the work where an interest is shown. They shall ascertain the talents and previous experience of new members and seek to guide them in finding a definite place of Christian service in the church.
- Work with the Pastor in promoting classes of instruction for young Christians and new church members to acquaint them with basic Baptist Doctrines and to challenge them in Christian growth and service.
Section 5. Nominating Committee
At the regular business meeting in September, the Pastor and the Deacons shall submit to the church for approval the names of three (3) nominees who are actively interested in the organizations of the church to serve, if elected, as the church Nominating Committee from October 1 through September 30. In the event additional nominations are made from the floor the committee shall be limited to three (3) members and their election shall be by ballot. The committee shall elect a chairman from within their group. The Pastor and Chairman of Deacons shall be Ex Officio members. After the election of the Sunday School Superintendent, Training Union Director, Women’s Missionary Union President, Brotherhood President, they shall be added to the committee. The Nominating Committee may invite from time to time other church members to sit with the committee in an advisory capacity.
The Nominating Committee shall fulfill the duties described in Article I, Section 3, subhead e.
Section 6. Ordinance Committee
- The Ordinance Committee shall be composed of a chairman and four other members.
- The Ordinance Committee shall:
- Contact approved candidates for baptism and arrange for a suitable time for their baptism.
- Assist in the dressing rooms prior to and during baptismal services.
- Be responsible for baptismal robes, Lord’s supper equipment and supplies, and make recommendations to the Property Committee for the purchase of additional or replacement items.
Section 7. Property Committee
- The Property Committee shall be composed of a chairman and two other members.
- The Property Committee shall:
- Be responsible for the maintenance of all church-owned property and equipment. They shall be authorized to purchase all permanent equipment and maintenance materials, as well as to hire or enlist and necessary labor to maintain all church property and equipment, using funds provided in the church budget for this purpose.
- Prepare and submit annually to the committee planning the budget a recommendation for necessary funds to cover an adequate equipment and maintenance program.
- Have general supervision of the custodial care of the church property and grounds.
Section 8. Worship Committee
- The Worship Committee shall be composed of a chairman and two other members.
- The Worship Committee shall:
- Supervise the ushering during all the regular services of the church. Ushering shall be performed by regular church members selected by the committee. Special church emphasis of special groups, such as the RA’s, GA’s, may be used from time to time when recognition or emphasis of special groups is being given by the church.
- This committee shall be concerned with the general comfort of those in attendance at the regular services of worship by giving special attention to such matters as room temperature, lights, noises, and any other factors that might interfere with the spirit of worship.
Section 9. Youth Committee
- The Youth Committee shall be comprised of a chairman and four other members.
- The Youth Committee shall:
- Be responsible for the coordination of all youth activities, especially the youth revival, youth week, and student night at Christmas.
- Be responsible for the initiation of any church-wide youth activity or program and will recommend to the church for final approval of any special youth activities.
Adopted June 4, 1969: The adoption of this constitution herewith supersedes any and all other constitutions, church action, or precedence contrary to the letter or spirit of said constitution.
Constitution Committee: Lee James Dorothy Stuart John L. Thomas
Margaret Stevens Clifford Richardson R.L. Hicks, Pastor
Date: April 7, 1984
BY-LAWS – Article I, Section 3, subhead a, subhead 2, subhead a:
Changed from – “The active Deacons shall consist of seven (7) men elected by the church.”
Changed to – “The active Deacons shall consist of fourteen (14) men elected by the church.”
Date: Unknown (undated handwritten note on original copy of by-laws in the church file)
BY-LAWS – Article III, Section 2, subhead b, subhead 5, subhead a:
Changed from – “Recommend to the church for approval all special offerings.”
Changed to – “Recommend to the church for approval all special offerings. Special offerings are restricted to four (4) per year plus revival offerings.”
Date: June 5, 1985
CONSTITUTION – Article VI, Section 2
Changed from – “Candidates for Membership. Any person professing faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord may become a candidate for membership, and by adopting the Covenant, views and practices of this church, may, by vote of the church, be admitted into full membership at any regular business meeting. Candidates for membership shall present themselves before the church and shall be received in accordance with the following conditions and regulations:”
Changed to – “Candidates for Membership. Any person professing faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord may become a candidate for membership, and by adopting the Covenant, views and practices of this church, may, by vote of the church, be admitted into full membership. Candidates for membership shall present themselves before the church and shall be received in accordance with the following conditions and regulations:
Date: June 5, 1985
BY-LAWS – Article I, Section 3, subhead b, subhead 2, subhead b
Changed from – “All purchases of a miscellaneous nature which exceed $25.00 shall be approved by the church.”
Changed to – “All purchases of a miscellaneous nature up to $100.00 may be authorized by Treasurer, Pastor, or Chairman of Deacons. All miscellaneous expenses over $100.00 must be approved by the church.”
Date: June 5, 1985
BY-LAWS – Article I, Section 3, subhead b, subhead 2, subhead d
Changed from – “The Treasurer shall see that monthly and annual financial reports of the conditions of the treasury are prepared and presented to the church. Copies of the annual financial report shall be made available to those in attendance at the annual church business meeting, and a copy shall be filed with the Church Clerk.”
Changed to – “The Treasurer shall see that monthly and annual financial reports of the conditions of the treasury are prepared and presented to the church. Copies of the annual and monthly financial reports shall be made available to those in attendance at church business meetings and a copy filed with the Church Clerk.”
Date: June 5, 1985
BY-LAWS – Article III, Section 2, subhead b, subhead 2
Changed from – “Endeavor to be informed of the needs of the various departments of the church in order to wisely handle the distribution of church funds. No contracts for supplies, materials, or services pledging the credit of the church shall be made except upon recommendation of the Finance Committee, unless authorized in the adopted budget of the church and approved by the church.”
Changed to – “DELETED”