As a member of the Southern Baptist convention, Bevier FBC subscribes to the Baptist Faith and Message published in 2000.
In a nutshell, we as a church follow some very simple, yet iron-clad principles:
Scripture - Written by men, wholly inspired by God. The Bible is God's revelation of Himself to us, and is completely true and inerrant.
God - There is only one true living God, the creator of all things. God is a personal, spiritual Being, all knowing, all powerful, and present in all things. God is the only way to redemption, having sacrificed His Son for the sins of Man through His grace - a gift given freely that we cannot earn.
God reveals Himself to us in His triune form - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and is present in our lives through all things.
Man - Man is the creation of God, made in His image, and therefore favored above all creation. God created Man in two genders - male and female - to be partners with each other in living out the plan of bearing God's image. Man, while innocent of sin and in communion with God, chose through his own free-will to sin against God, breaking that perfect communion with God and allowing sin into the world. Only God's grace can restore man to his place with God, through the forgiveness of sins.
Salvation - Man can be saved through God alone. John 3:16 states that "whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have life eternal." All men have the ability to come to God and be saved through faith - it is not a result of works, birthright, or specific election.
The Church - The church, or body of localized believers, exists for one central reason - to worship and glorify God. Healthy worship and community creates evangelism, service, missions, and education as fellow believers build each other up in love and in faith, praying for one another and sharing with each other in the glory of God's presence.
There is much more to our statement of faith, which can be read in detail at